Monday, December 26, 2005


Ok, so I hate travel days. I always have. It's the day on tour when you have to pack all your shit, load it onto a bus or plane or whatever, and travel to the next city. These days are always filled with lots of drama and catastrophe! And I hate them. These are always the WORST days for me. I am always in a bad mood. I even made a shirt that says .. "I HATE TRAVEL DAYS!" And oh, did I need that shirt!

So, we have a 3 shows day today, then we were supposed to go back to the hotel to get our luggage and head to the next city. So, I packed all my stuff this morn at 9, brought it downstairs, and went off to work to do 3 shows! WOO HOO! Well, after the shows, the bus that we were traveling in was going to pick us up at the venue and take us to the hotel, then off to Breda. WELL! He totally did NOT know where he was going, and we ended up driving around for a half hour. So, once we finally get on the right track, and are minutes from the hotel - HE HITS A CAR! Not as bad as this pic - he went to change lanes, and kinda pushed the car more than hit it. So, we were stuck in the middle of the road, hotel in sight, for about another hour. FINALLY, we get our stuff and head off. WELL, I fall asleep and wake up to us being lost and following these random people who were helping us find our way. Then we get to the hotel, but we think it is the wrong one, but it was the right one. UGH! TOO MUCH! And, it's the FIRST travel day! What else lies in store for us?


equippedtofascinate said...

...but you get to see the world. Look on the bright side.

Dustin Harder said...

good call Scott. you get to see the world buddy...I just find it hard to believe you didnt pack your "i hate travel days" T-shirt.

Anonymous said...

you crack me up casey. i love reading ur blogs and hearing about ur "fun" travel experiences. lol. sry about your travel day. lol
still missing u,
the "I LOVE CASEY" fanclub,

Chargenda said...

yeah, i am sure it blows to travel. I officially hate Amtrak.

Dustin Harder said...

Charlie...beyond the stench of ass....was amtrak really that bad?