Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Great Escape

Ok, so there is an AWESOME commercial that is on TV here in Lafayette. It is for a place called "The Great Escape." It's a water massage place in the mall. I'd just like to let the good people at The Great Escape that your advertising dollars are well spent because I can't get that catchy little jingle out of my head. Now, imagine a very "Enya-like" song with these lyrics...

The Great Escape...
It feels good to get away
The Great Escape...
From the stress of a busy day
Let the water move you...
Let the water soothe you...
Just drift away to a peaceful place
The Great Escape

Doesn't that just relax you? I love this commercial. I might just have to go over there and try it out!

1 comment:

Chargenda said...

I think I need to hear the tune before I can know how I feel about the commercial.