Monday, December 26, 2005


HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!! I hope that everyone had a great holiday! We had fun here in Rotterdam. It wasn't home - which is where we all wanted to be - but we were all together, which was better than nothing. We had Christmas dinner down at the hotel, and Anna (who's in the picture) sang an awesome version of "The 12 Days of Christmas" dealing with our tour. So funny! I love this girl - She cracks my shit up.

Secret Santa was fun! Darren was my Secret Santa, and I think he got me the best thing that I could ever get... DESPERATE HOUSEVIVES ON DVD! Oh, I was SOOOOOO excited! I can't wait to crack that open and watch my girls!

Here are some other pics from our holidays!


Dustin Harder said...

You all look WONDERFUL! I bet you had a blast!

Chargenda said...

you are so festive in your green...