Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Yah, so I am totally not motivated to do ANYTHING! I haven't even been blogging as often as I usually do. I dunno - maybe I am in some little state of depression. Maybe it's the weather? I just don't feel like doing anything, or going anywhere, or hanging out with anyone. I have so many things that I need to get done before I head to the Netherlands on Saturday - but I have no desire to do any of it. Hell, in some ways, I don't even want to go to the Netherlands. Crazy huh?

What gets you guys out of a funky mood?


AspieMum said...

I know what you mean ... but come on ... you can do it!

equippedtofascinate said...


Chargenda said...

Seriosly, I was going to respond and just write "porn" as my reply to the question, too. That's two votes for porn. Give it a whirl!