Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gym update...

So, back in Jan of '08 I said that my goal was to look like this guy.

Well, that was over a year ago. When I was on tour with Brad, he got me going to the gym, and I've gotten into it. I'm trying to make it to the gym about 4-5 times a week now, drinking protein shakes, and taking my vitamins. So, here's some recent pics...

Not bad eh?

To Do List...

First off ... You can all thank Jonathan for me blogging again. Although he might be the only one reading them...

So, that's pretty much what my To Do list looks like. I just got back from a 2 week vacation/magic convention tour with Brad, and I came home totally inspired to get off my ass and get the ball moving. I have a website to get up. I have business cards to get printed. I have a resume to write.

Then I check my Facebook.

And suddenly it's 3 AM.

It's hard being motivated to take the next step, but looking around and not knowing which direction to take that first step IN! I know where I want to go, but I just have NO IDEA how to get there. It just doesn't seem possible.

But, I am motivated. I will take little steps. Roll around if I have to. Who knows where I'll end up.

But thankfully, I have INSANELY supportive family, friends, and a boyfriend who will keep me moving.

So, here's to scratching the next thing off the list.