Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Yah, I'm totally addicted. 

Sad thing is, besides the random Starbucks or two that we've run into on tour lately ... Spain and Italy are not big fans of "to-go" coffee. 

And they also serve just espresso shots or little tiny cups of coffee. WTF? 

If we go into the city tomorrow, I'm going get a venti something-or-other!

Monday, December 29, 2008

A bit more on what I think about things ...

We are told to treat others the way that we want to be treated. I believe that completely. So, if you want people to act professionally and like adults, they first need to be treated that way. Professionalism is not only your actions, but your environment as well. Professionalism amongst employees comes from a professional workplace. 

I understand the need for rules and guidelines. We can't have everyone running amuck. But, if we are act like and be treated like the adults that we are, we don't need a hall monitor watching our every move.  

I've said before, anger is contagious. So is negativity. You put it out into the world and it will come back to you. 

Problems need to be seen from every angle. What seems like information and enforcing rules from one person, looks like rumors and bitching from another. 

Ok, another deep breath.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

What I think about things....

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here's how I feel about things...

But, just a few words to clarify. I don't complain because I hate my job and I want to leave. I complain because I LOVE my job, and I want to enjoy doing it in an environment that allows to me to do the job that I love to the fullest.

I just wanted to be treated like everyone else. Rules are rules, and they apply to EVERYONE! I don't think rules should be enforced on some, yet bent for others. 

Problems don't get solved by not talking about them. The saying goes, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." Problems don't go away just because you don't talk about them. Not talking about things and keeping them inside only cause problems to build up, and eventually it will all come tumbling down.

Ok. Deep breath. Here's to tomorrow.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Good Ass Pants

My friend Kevin, who I toured with a few years ago, introduced me to these great pants. They are Bonobos - a company who makes pants tailored for men. 

Now, I must say, Kevin and I both have some junk in the trunk - as well as other places. :) And that's exactly what they are tailored for!

They are also made of fun fabrics and they have super cute linings! They are just great!

So, go buy me a pair! 

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I've had a great Christmas. I'm here in Madrid, but we - along with other people on tour - have bought decorations, and we've made our hotel rooms mighty festive! Today, Brad and I went over to our friends Steve and Andrea's room and opened Christmas presents. And tonight, we are having a company dinner, to celebrate the season ... together.

It's times like this that make being on the road hard. I'd love to be at home with my family, and I'm sure everyone else on tour would enjoy the same. It tries your patience, and puts everyone a little on edge and people get a bit emotional.

But, we need to remember what we do have. Here on tour, I have Brad and friends that have become like a family. Sometimes we are a dysfunctional one, we are still a family. 

I'd like to send that thought out to my family, too. It was hard knowing that when I called, my family wasn't together. I'm sure it was hard for them, but it was hard for me knowing that those who COULD be together, weren't. I get numerous forwards with cute graphics, reminding me to remember the gifts that we have during this holiday season. I hope that the sender takes the time to read those forwards, and think about the message that you are spreading. 

I really wish that I could have been home for Christmas. More than that, I wish that everyone acknowledges the fact that they could have spent the holiday together, because some of us couldn't.