Friday, December 23, 2005

Fun in Rotterdam...

So, not much has been happenin' here in Rotterdam. We opened on Wednesday night! There was a good crowd, and it was nice to finally have an audience. After that, there was this press photo shoot, which was completely ridiculous. We all had to stand there in costume - AFTER having just done a show- to pretty much be a background for our live performers. BULLSHIT! Well, after that there was a media party thingy for all of us. There was free alcohol, and some food. THEN, we all decided to go out and do some celebrating US style, so we hit the bar. Here's a few pics from the bar. I drank about 4 glasses of wine at the media party, and then one at this bar, then we went to a gay bar, where I got COMPLETELY TRASHED! haha. We were getting shots that tasted like licorice - which I hate! I ended up partially throwing up on the way home on a bicycle parked on the side of the road. Sorry bike! Anyway, we had a great opening and a really fun night! Oh, and we all made it to work the next day and pumped out another great show!

FAT GURL UPDATE! - So, went to McDonald's twice now. The McNuggets here are better than the ones in the US! Oh, and we went to this one restaurant last night. OH MY GOD! It was good. There was SO MUCH FOOD! And they gave us free coffee afterwards! Thanks nice restaurant people! I might have to go back! :) Here's some pics from dinner

1 comment:

Dustin Harder said...

free coffee? I hope they gave you some free sugar for it too. you should seriously get charged by the sugar packet for how much sugar you use mister!