Friday, November 25, 2005

Lawn Chairs ... with wings!

Ok, so I hoped everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I hope you all ate tons and tons of food and got really fat. We can all start the new work out regimine on Monday.

Well, one thing that I am always thankful for is maxi pad commercials. Actually, any feminine product commercial. I mean, this is a hard market to work in. No one really wants to think about tampons or "freshness", nor do they want to be reminded of it while watching TV!

Well, I saw a great maxi pad commercial yesterday. It's just this maxi pad that unfolds itself and bends itself to look like a lawn chair. During this, there is a voice that is talking that ends with...

"If you're going to sit on it all day, it better be comfortable!"

Well, I'm not an expert on all this, but I seriously doubt that you SHOULD be sitting on one ALL DAY! But, I do agree that it should be comfortable. So, that's what I was thankful for this Thanksgiving.


Dustin Harder said...

weren't you thankful for being with your family you hadnt been with for the past several years on this day boo?

Casey said...

Of course I was. But you see, I was at my aunt's house. And my aunt's in -laws are like the complete oppposite of our family. So it makes things very awkward. So I am thankful for outdoor seating! haha

Chargenda said...

I love girly commercials about tampons and the pill and shit like that. But, I want to see one that is just really blunt. Have you seen the I Pad skit on MadTV? Funny stuff!