Monday, April 03, 2006


"Moist" was the theme of our bus trip today. Well, we left Lubbock on our way to Bossier City, LA at 4 AM. People were all spread out on the bus, with blankets and pillows and whatnot. People were sleeping on the floor, in the aisles, everywhere.

I say all this because after our breakfast stop, we all get back on the bus to keep on truckin' to Bossier City. Well, the road that the bus driver THOUGHT lead to the interstate actually was a dead end. She SLAMS on the breaks, and everyone's shit goes flying to the front of the bus. Well, someone had a gallon of water in the overhead storage, and it went flying into the aisle and got EVERYTHING wet. Soaked pillows, blankets, carry-ons - EVERYTHING! After the initial shock of it happening, I started laughing ... I am so cruel.

Well, payback is a bitch. See, after that happened, we get back on the road. And it is hot. The sun is BEATING down through the window. I have no shade to pull down. And the air conditioner isn't working. So, I was also soaking wet once we arrived in Bossier City. UGH!


equippedtofascinate said...

That's hot...literally.

Dustin Harder said...

fucking AC or heat not working on these busses that we travel on blows my fucking mind! Seriously...seriously? seriously. What the eff!?!?!