Sunday, March 26, 2006

This week in ...McAllen, TX!

Well, only half of the week was in McAllen. The first few days of the week were spent in South Padre Island , where a group of us went to enjoy Spring Break on our days off! It was fun times! I had never been to "spring break", so it was fun to experience all the crazy madness. Lots of alcohol was drunk by all, and we all had a good time together.

And as for my favorite part of spring break ...

Now, as for the rest of the week, it was pretty low key. Most of it was spent recovering from the madness of spring break.

I was in for Count this week, which was a nice change of pace. I have another week to go, and then hopefully Christie will be back. If not, who knows?

Next week also means back to Body For Life, and I am going to start going to the gym. After seeing all the hot bodies on the beach, it is time for me to start working out! I've stopped drinking soda, started drinking lots of water, and started taking my vitamins again! I WILL BE HOT FOR THE END OF TOUR!!! Oh, and I need to get back in the sun to start working on that tan!!! So hopefully I can go from this...


And hopefully the blonde will come with the package too! ;) So, we are off to Corpus Christi, and into 2 split weeks, so there will be 2 cities to talk about! WHEW! Til next week...


equippedtofascinate said...

Soda is the devil. How did you find that picture of me squeezing my belly fat on the internet?

Casey said...

I'm sure that's not the only pic of you that I would find on the internet!

equippedtofascinate said...

Are you calling me trashy? I am, but I'm just wondering if that's what you were saying or not.

Casey said...

Not trashy, just well publicized!

equippedtofascinate said...

What can I say? If you've got it flaunt it...although I'm not sure what my excuse is though.

Chargenda said...

This flirting is making me gag. Just do it already or something boys! Oh, and take photos if you do!

equippedtofascinate said...

Oh Charlie.

Dustin Harder said...

the blonde or the brunette eh?