Sunday, March 19, 2006

This week in ... Baton Rouge, LA!

So, this week, the tour was in Baton Rouge, LA! Now, I am from Lafayette, which is only an hour away. So I got to stay at home this week! I was very excited to see my family and friends. :)

The thing that sucked is that I had to drive for an hour to Baton Rouge and back every day that I had to work. Poo!

Didn't really do much this week. Just a whole lot of sitting around and relaxing at home. We did have everyone over to our house on Saturday for some BBQ. About 12 people from the cast came, and we all ate like big ol' fat kids! Good times!

Oh, and I went tanning, in preperation for the summer, and for our little Spring Break expedition next week. We have 4 days off, so we are going to take a little road trip and hit the beach! WOO HOO! I can't wait to just lay out!

So, hats off to you Baton Rouge, and Lafayette. I'll miss ya! See ya in July!


Dustin Harder said...

um...i need the spinach bread recipe thing man.

Anonymous said...

ahh i like the turkey!!! ahahah too bad i only saw u once when u were here.. <33333333333 xoxoo mauh