Sunday, March 19, 2006

Speak up, speak out!

Communication. It's necessary!

See, I have a problem with people who don't communicate. Without hearing exactly what is going on, or exactly what is on someone's mind, I fill in the rest with my overly imaginative, pessimistic ideas. You can see where this can lead to problems.

See, Friend A doesn't communicate that well. We've always had problems in that department. Well, we are now trying to work through our problems. But, in order to do that, we need to talk to each other and express our feelings. Well, that's kinda hard when Friend A doesn't want to talk to me because that causes emotions to surface ... causing more problems. So, do we stay silent and have problems ... or talk and have problems?

Let's go to Friend B. We did communicate. Talked all the time. And suddenly ... nothing. Suddenly Friend B is too busy to communicate. Odd.

It's baffles me that with cell phones in everyone's pockets, and the internet at everyone's fingertips ... no one really talks to one another. There are so many people that I have lost contact with ... and they are only a phone call away. So many problems could be avoided, or solved , if people just opened their mouths.

So talk!


equippedtofascinate said...

That's funny. I'm the person who will loose contact with someone because I hate to talk on the phone.

Dustin Harder said...

hmmmmm....some people just dont like the phone buddy.

Casey said...

It's not just the phone. I hate talking on the phone, too. It's communication in general. People just expect others to be mind-readers and know what they are feeling. Not true!