Monday, March 26, 2007


So, I'm in a show! YAH!!! One of my goals after leaving tour was to start doing more theatre .. you know, stuff where my face actually shows!

Well, I had a small role in The Secret Garden, but now I'm actually doing a show!

My brother's been writing a play a day, collectively called Life/Play . You can go read it, comment on it, blah blah blah. So, we are doing a staged reading of it for Festival International here in Lafayette. AND ... it's been submitted for the NY Fringe Festival! WOO HOO!

Well, rehearsals start tonight. And I'm a little scared. See, these plays are about my brother's life. And where other people will just look at it as a play, I've lived this stuff. I KNOW this stuff. Just reading it brings a tear to my eye most of the time. AND, I haven't been on stage in forever. I don't wanna suck. I'm playing myself, and I've lived this. How horrible would it be if sucked?!?

So, here's to the rehearsal process. And keep the end of April open - come see the show!

1 comment:

equippedtofascinate said...

How cool that you get to play yourself in a show. If your brother is still looking to cast the hot 20-something man of your dreams, I'm available.