Friday, March 23, 2007

Making a difference!

So, I'm suddenly getting involved! I auditioned for my brother's play, and got cast. So, I'm back on the acting scene. That's not really making a difference, but it's a cool little addition to all the things that I am doing. More on that later!

So, at work, we have a team for Relay for Life - for the American Cancer Society. We're the Java Junkies, and I'm not quite sure what's going on, but I've signed up online, so you can go to my page and donate. Every little bit helps!

Also, Joshua, a guy that I work with, asked me if I was interested in being a volunteer/counselor for an MDA camp. So, I'm filling out my interest sheet and we'll see how that goes.

It's nice to feel like you are making a difference!


Cody Daigle said...

Acting in my show IS making a difference. don't you know that our production will cure cancer, end the conflict in the mideast, and reduce poverty across the country?


Anonymous said...

Since I didn't get to see you at the reception, I gave your Mom a check for the Relay For Life. Go luck for a GREAT cause. And congratulations on being in the play! I can't wait to see it!


P.S. Hey Cody!