Saturday, September 30, 2006

Letting Go...

I've been doing a lot of thinking. I hate when I get in moods like this - where I over-analyze everything.

I've realized that if you hold on too tightly to the past, you lose your grip on everything else. It's the past. It can't be changed. You can't go back to it. You've just got to let go.

When ya let go, you can move on. Move on to things you don't know yet. We know how the past ends up. You can't change it. But the future is unwritten. You can make it what you wish. You can make it better.

So, here is to remembering the past, and remembering that the future is yet to come!


equippedtofascinate said...

I can't let go of the past ever. It's a huge problem. I want to hear more about your problems though, sounds interesting.

christopher john said...

Wow. . .deep. . . .