Saturday, September 02, 2006

wanna die, makes you cry, and I did!

We all went sightseeing earlier this week. Well, before we headed home, we stopped in a little mall thing to use the restroom and check out a few shops. As we were waiting for everyone to meet back up, I got some Starbucks and sat around the fountain. Well, this little girl and her mom stopped at the fountain a few yards away from us. This little girl was obviously sick, and looked as though she had gone thru chemo. She carried with her a carryon-sized bag. I watched for a bit, and saw that she had tubes leading from under her shirt to the bag. Well, they sat down, and the mom started to open the bag, and change the girl's tubes.

It was so odd because it seemed so routine for them. The mom was even on her cell phone at times, and seemed to go through the motions without even thinking about it. The girl did look like she was in some pain, too.

As I was watching her, I just felt so sorry for her. But I was so proud of her. She seemed so courageous. I really wanted to go up to her and talk to her. I wondered how old she was. I wondered if she had friends that she hung out with, or did this limit the things that she could do. I wanted to invite her and her mom to come see our show. I wanted to give her a penny to throw into the fountain to make a wish. I just felt like I needed to do something for this girl.

Well, I almost got enough courage to do it, and walked near her. But her mom was fixing the tubes and I felt bad interrupting that. So we walked away and left. I hope that the little girl is doing well, and that she will be for many, many years. And I wish she new how much I admired her.


christopher john said...

AWWW, you should have given her tickets and a mee-n-greet. . .I'm sure the mother would have been very grateful. . . but I wouldn't have had the courage to do that. . . :'(

equippedtofascinate said...

The fact that you say that you admire her is so cool. I've never really had too much medically wrong with me in my life, but there are members of my imediate family who have had very difficult times because of things they can't control. Well most people make fun of things like that, it's good to know that there are still people in the world who actually care about the sick and disabled.

equippedtofascinate said...

P.S. Love the Rocky Horror reference in your title.