Friday, July 28, 2006

Sucker punched!

Ok, I'm really confused. It seems that everyone around me is running hot and cold. One day, everything is all great and everyone is happy and friendly. The next, everyone is mad at me and I'm a total bitch. I don't get it.

Is it me? I know that my sudden departure to go back on tour has its effect. I've kinda shifted priorities. A friend of mine said that going on tour is me running from intimacy. No, going on tour is me making money!

I don't want to hurt anyone, or leave on a bad note. I'm coming back in 3 months, and I don't want to come back to issues that have been festering for months!

Can't we all just get along?


Anonymous said...

True, tour is about making money, but you can make money anywhere. Your friend probably meant that going on tour creates distance and, therefore, frees you from attachments and other "intimacy"-related issues. Nevertheless, your friends love you and respect your decisions whatever they are.
We will still be here when you get back ... back to the pepetually dramatic scene of your wonderful hometown.

James Garcia said...

It's just drama. There's not much else to do in Laf.

Anonymous said...

run, casey, run as far as you can from the drama... no one needs that. Its all because people like to play games instead of being honest with each other..