Saturday, July 01, 2006

.... IN BED!

Don't you just love fortune cookies? It's always a good time at the end of your take-out to sit around and read what your fortune says ... then add IN BED to the end, and they get even better!

Well, I've had a few that I keep in my wallet, cause they were really good fortunes. Here they are...

"Friends long absent are coming back to you" - I got this one right before I went to Holland. Which was cool, because I was really looking forward to seeing those guys again - and some of my best friends were on that tour. I also have a friend that I had not seen in about 6 months come to visit me - so it was a great fortune!

"Family is more valuable than money" - A great fortune to get on the road when you are away from your family for 11 months! :)

"Fame is in your future" - I got this one the last week of tour. Here I am, leaving a job that I have had for 3 years, with no definate plans ahead, and I get that fortune! Crazy huh?

So, enjoy your fortune cookies! Thank you - come again!


equippedtofascinate said...

Are there actually people who don't add in bed after their fortunes? That's the only way to read them.

Anonymous said...

Whether in bed or... elsewhere, what really matters is that they do come true. All the rest are just peannuts...
All the best for you! Have somehow a feeling you do deserve it.