Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Oh, another bad travel day!

Yup, another one!

So, it started with waking up at 5 AM Monday to pack my luggage and make it down to the bus for 6:45. Then we drove for about 2 or 3 hours to Detroit. So, get to the airport, where we are flying Airtran. Well, there is only 2 people working at the counter, so when all 30 of us come piling off the bus, we create a line that extends all the way to the door. Insane!

So, I get up there, and of course I have to shift things in my bags cause one is heavier than the other. Not a big deal. Make it through security. All is swell.

So, get to the gate. Now, the only places to get something to eat are Starbucks and Quizno's. I decide to just wait until our 2 hr layover in Atlanta, and just get some Starbucks.

So, the plane is a little late, so the gate agent is yelling at us to get on the plane quickly and whatnot. So, we start boarding the plane. Well, the plane kinda starts to shift while we are getting into our seats. See, they loaded the luggage a little too far back or something, and that with the added weight of us getting on the plane messed up the balance on the plane. So, they ask us to get out of our seats, and simply WALK to the front of the plane to even it out.

Well, it didn't work. The shifting weight caused the plane and the jetway to move in opposite directions, messing up the cabin door. Meaning we had to get OFF of the plane, and wait for a new plane to arrive. Well, that only took 5 HOURS! So, I had MORE Starbucks, and some Quizno's, met some fun people in the airport, and finally got on a flight to Atlanta.

Well, that flight was ok, until we hit some bad weather, and the plane hit some rough turbulence, and we kinda fell out of the air a bit. Well, we all jumped up and freaked out a little. Then we circled in the air for 30 min or and hour before we finally landed in Atlanta. We would have missed our connecting flight if it wouldn't have been delayed!

Well, we finally made it to Memphis. Ugh, what a travel day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the evil travel arrangements there. But you are HERE!!!! I'm so happy I hope that we can get together and get drunk...I mean talk like adults :)

Love alicia