Saturday, August 05, 2006

Good clean fun!

So, today was our first day off - and it was well deserved! Well, a bunch of us decided that it would be fun to go to the beach. I know, you are thinking - where the hell is there a beach in Fargo, ND? Well, there is a lake about an hour away, and they have a man-made beach. Good enough for us!

So we drive the hour to get to the beach. Now, the weather has been bright and sunny for weeks. OF COURSE today the weather takes a turn for the worse, and it starts raining the minute we put our towels down!

Well, we all packed back into the car. We drove around for a bit, then just decided to go eat lunch. After that, we checked out this HUGE T-shirt sale going on, then we just went home. What a fun day off adventure!

Oh, but the best part ... There was a huge country music festical going on. Well, people were using this lake to bathe. We saw many people with their shower gel just lathering up in the lake, and there was even one guy shaving. INSANE!

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