Friday, August 04, 2006

Back on tour...

Ok, so, I'm back on tour. Rehearsals are going well. We learned the show in 4 days, and it looks really good. I'm sore as all get out - that's what I get for sitting on my ass for 3 weeks! Everyone seems pretty cool. But then again, it's just the beginning of tour ...

But, I'm already annoyed. See, we've got about 6 black people on tour. And it seems like they only hang out with each other. For instance, the other day, I get home from work, and "the blacks" - yah, that's what I'll call them - were all in the hot tub, while the whites were COMPLETELY on the other side of the pool area in the pool. HELLO! Segregation ended a LONG time ago people!

Then, last night, the cast went out to dinner - and they all sat on one side of the table. I mean, really?

So, that's that. It's only 3 months, so I don't want to stress out too much.


equippedtofascinate said...

This post makes me think of Ricki Lake in the movie version of Hairspray.

amanda said...

I have two black girls in my acting class. They look NOTHING alike. But people call them names interchangeably, like they're the same person. This really annoys me, but they think it's funny, because THEY LOOK NOTHING ALIKE.

And that's my story.