Friday, September 30, 2005

What's up with Jesus?

Ok, so I drove on down to Panama City to visit my friend Joey who is touring with the Sesame Street Live show "Out of this World." Well, as I was waiting for them to arrive in Panama City, I went on down the street to the nearby Starbucks. Well, there on the corner were about 6 people, kinda Mormon-looking, with signs like they were having a car wash. Well, it was NO car wash. These people were SCREAMING at the top of their lungs at the cars that were passing by. Then, on top of all that, while I was walking to the Starbucks, one of them starts screaming at ME! INSANITY!!! Now, I'm not all that up to date on my Bible study, but I seriously doubt that Jesus screamed the word of the Lord to people. So, my thoughts .... WHAT'S UP WITH JESUS???

1 comment:

Dustin Harder said...

what IS up with Jesus?