Friday, September 16, 2005

Look There!

Hey guys! Since I've been home, I've been working with a musical called Grand Pre'. It is about the deportation of the Acadians from Nova Scotia. Those who were exiled traveled down into the United States, and eventually Louisiana - becoming the Cajuns! My brother - Cody Daigle - wrote both book and helped with music, along with Roy Bertucci. Cody also directed and is performing in the show! The show is great, and brings a tear to my eye every time I watch it. We've got a GREAT cast, and I am proud of them every night I watch the show. So, keep an eye out - who knows where this show, or any other of Cody's writing is going! And if you were wondering, that picture is a painting of the exile of the Acadian's from Grand Pre.


Chargenda said...

Oh my goodness. I want to know more about this! I had an amazing camping trip to Nova Scotia a while back, and ate at an Acadian restaurant and learned a bit abou the culture and stuff.

Chargenda said...

Oh my goodness. I want to know more about this! I had an amazing camping trip to Nova Scotia a while back, and ate at an Acadian restaurant and learned a bit abou the culture and stuff. e-mail me and tell me more please: