Saturday, May 20, 2006


So, since I was SO rude, here is a post about my brother's birthday. I hope he's happy now! ;)

Today is also my brother's birthday. 26 years ago, he got ME for a present. Thank God I didn't come with a receipt.

I'd just like to say that although we fight about who is better, and more talented, and smarter and such ... He's the best. He's not only a brother - but a helping hand, a guiding light, a driving force, and an inspriration ... every day.

I lived for a while in his shadow, but it's not that bad a place to be. It also encouraged me to make a shadow all my own!

Thanks for being the big brother that you are! I wouldn't want to share my birthday with anyone else either!


1 comment:

Chargenda said...

i just threw up in my mouth a little, too!