Friday, January 13, 2006

Why I Hate Flying...

Ok, has anyone read this book? I totally think I need to after the WONDERFUL day of travel I had Thursday! Ok, so, it all started with me waking up at 3 AM in order for me to get showered and dressed and packed and to the airport for my 5:50 AM flight! Well, I got to the airport a little early and decided to just go thru security and hang out at the gate. Well, while going through security, they have to run my backpack like 5 times - for NOTHING! Stupid! So, then I am at the gate waiting. Next thing I know, I hear an announcement saying that the flight is being delayed because of heavy fog. Now yes, it was foggy, but I was annoyed. Isn't this why planes use all that GPS shit to navigate them, and that's why we can't use cell phones on the planes? Well, the fog took about 3 HOURS to lift! So at 9 AM I am finally making my way to Houston, where I'll fly straight to Omaha, instead of the Houston/Kansas City/Omaha flight I was supposed to be on. Well, I finally make it to Omaha, and I am just glad that the traveling is over. Well, I go to get my luggage .... AND IT'S NOT THERE!!!! Can this day get ANY worse? Well, try not getting your luggage til the next day!!! Well, Thurs. night, not knowing where my luggage was or when it would arrive, I went to Target and did some survival shopping. So, nowe I have brand new undies and socks, along with some toiletries and a new outfit! HAHA. Oh, and we fly on Monday to St. Louis! Maybe I should get this book, just in case there is a problem with the flight!


Dustin Harder said...

I'm surprised you dont have the book already.

Dawn said...

i'm surprised Jeff still wants you after all the complaining. :) love ya.

Chargenda said...

Who needs undies...