Monday, January 09, 2006


Ok, so I'd just like to start by letting everyone know that I am back in the states! WOO HOO!!!

Holland was great! The last few days that we were in Amsterdam the internet was too expensive, so I was out of touch for a few days. But - it was great. Despite all the shows we did (40 shows in 20 days) and the crazy travel days we had ... We still had a blast. Everyone on the show was amazing. Everyone worked so hard, despite all the bullshit that we had to put up with. And I really truly liked everyone on that tour. It was fun times, and I was over too quickly! :( But, I will see you all in a few weeks!

So, back to not checking my e-mail and such. So I do finally check it Sunday before I fly home, and I had a message from Jeffo - the company manager of "Super Grover - Ready for Action" - the Sesame show on the west coast tour. He offered me a job as Tall Understudy on that show for the weeks that I am back until Holland! YAH! I GOT A JOB! So, I should be flying out like Wednesday - which gives me one day at home! Hmm.

Oh, and he wants me to go back after I am done with Holland to finish out the tour! So, my day planner is booked til July folks! Busy busy busy .... I should start on some laundry!

Well, hope that all of you are doing well, and call or email or text message now that I am back on this side of the ocean!


equippedtofascinate said...

Congrats on the job.

Divafina said...

Girrrrl, you got to quit that shit. Umhmmm... At least you get to hang out with my Crissy Prissy..
Welcome back!!