Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"

It's a good question. "Are you a good witch or a bad witch?" Glinda was smart asking that question. I mean, Dorothy just dropped a house on someone. I'd want to know who's side she was on, too.

But it's a question that we need to think about all the time. Are people using their powers for good or evil? 

Now I'll admit, I'm not the most positive of people. I try to keep a smile on my face, but there are times when I'm a total bitch. Times when the world has done me wrong, and I'm going to take it out on the nearest living thing. It's ok - we all have these days.

But lately, I've realized that some people seem to be stuck in this place. A place where no matter what the situation, things aren't settled until everyone loses and all we are left with is anger and hostility. And this anger only leads to people trying to "get back" at those who have wronged them, only creating more losers and more anger.

I just wish people would redirect their energy. Instead of using your energy to get back at people, or to see how many people you can piss off  - let's use that energy to do something good? Use that energy to make our environment a better place to be. I grew up hearing my parents say, "Kill them with kindness." Trust me, it works!

So you hate the direction your life has taken? Instead of using your energy to pull 
everyone else down the same path, use it to change YOUR path. Instead of focusing your energy against others, turn it around and change YOURSELF! 

One of my favorite quotes is "Anger is contagious." It is, and it spreads faster than the speed of light. People need to take this anger, this energy, and use it for the greater good. 

I know, I sound like a motivational speaker. But although anger is contagious, so is a smile. 

Now go out there, and use your powers for good ... or someone might drop a house on you, too!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like draaaaaaamaaaa

Sarah said...

Life is definitely too short to stay angry.