Sunday, November 09, 2008

Staying Afloat...

The human spirit is an amazing thing. It's this need to survive that drives us day to day. This desire that pushes us through the hard times.

I know the strength of the human spirit. Just when we think that we that we can't go any further or do any more, the human spirit pushes us forward. It gives us the strength when we are at our weakest. When we are knocked down, it's what makes us get up, dust ourselves off, and try again. It's what keeps us looking forward to the future, and not back at the past.

I've seen the human spirit tested.  It's relentless. No matter how far we are pushed, it pushes back. It keeps us afloat. 

It is this spirit in us, and in others, that gets us through the rough times. Time ticks by and life moves forward, no matter how hard we hold on to the past.  We can only move forward, knowing that tomorrow lies ahead.

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