Monday, July 16, 2007

One Week!

Yes, in the time that it takes this little black child to learn not to urinate all over himself, I will be home in the U.S.! GOD, I CAN'T WAIT!

Now don't go thinking that I haven't been having a good time here in Asia. Overall, yes, I've had a blast. But as for the Phillipines - not my fave! Once I get back in the states, there will be a series of blogs all about the Phillipines.

But, as I said, I'll be back home in a week, so get ready for more hot blogging action - cause I'm sure I'll have serious jetlag and there will be nothing else to do!

So, YEAH for coming home. I'm so excited that I might just shit myself. But thankfully, I have a week to get potty trained!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

YAY! Coming home's always nice!