Thursday, December 21, 2006

Coffee Lesbians and such...

OH MY GOD! I hate people!

It's freaking coffee. Why do people have to be such assholes about coffee?

So, there is a coffee lesbian. She comes in like, 2 or 3 times a day and orders this INSANE drink, with extra shots, nonfat milk, no whip cream, and like 25 pumps of vanilla syrup. Now, for a NORMAL person, this drink would come with 5 pumps of vanilla. THIS CRAZY LESBIAN wants 25 pumps? Seriously? Has munching on carpet completely killed your taste buds? Oh, and don't you dare ask her to repeat her rediculously weird order. Like we have to learn what she wants in our training, and us NOT knowing it is completely ubsurd. And you better not be slow making it either. Or she'll get mad.

Then, today, there was the "fresh coffee" guy. So, he comes in and asks for just brewed coffee. So, I fill his cup, but he got the last of what was brewed. He askes if it is fresh - it had been brewed for 30 min. Now, coffee is good for an hour. And I told him this. He takes the coffee. He comes back a few minutes later. Says he doesn't want it and wants me to brew fresh coffee. I said ok, but it'll be a few minutes - I had to brew fresh coffee anyway. So, I give him his NEW coffee, and he asks for the number for the store. I get it for him, and he procedes to chew me out, saying that he has gotten coffee from Starbucks for years, and he didn't appreciate me agruing with him, blah blah blah.

Umm, HELLO! You didn't ask for fresh coffee! You asked if it was fresh. I told you. You accepted. DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE! Next time, I will grind the beans, then brew them, then making him drink straight from the fucking POT! How's that for fresh?

Don't fuck with people who make your coffee. We are angry, caffinated people. We are dangerous!

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