Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Change/No Change

Here's another heavy-handed metaphor for Cody.

Change. It's always happening around us. The winds shift. The tide comes and goes. Hell, there's a new moon every month. The seasons change.

Things are born. It rains. Things grow. It gets all hot and we have tons of fun. It cools down. Things change colors. It gets cold and freezes. Things die and make room for new things.

Funny how the seasons work.

But, it always seems that no matter how many times life renews itself, there are always hints of what was before. The moon still looks the same. The tide brings back the things that were washed away from the shore. New leaves on an old tree.

So are we really changing? Or do we just return to the beginning of things? Keep trying to relive the happier times? Keep starting over, hoping that the ending will be different?

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