Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baggage Claim

So, yesterday I flew up to NJ to see my boyfriend Brad. I'm up here for the week, and I'm so glad to be up here! It's a week little vacation with my boy -PLUS- he's about 20 min from NYC -PLUS- it's NYCPride this weekend! FUN TIMES!

Now, one thing that is NOT fun times is baggage claim. First of all, I always worry that my bag will not come around on the the carousel. It's happened a few times, so I always get a little nervous.

But what REALLY pisses me off is all the other people getting their bags. I usually try to get a place where there are not too many people standing cause I don't want to whack someone with my heavy bag, and it's easier to get to my bag when it comes around. So why do people always come RIGHT next to me? Can't you see I'm standing here? Don't you know that I'm going to hit you with my bag trying to get it off of the carousel?

Then, I also hate the people that have NO idea what their bags look like. They have to check EVERY bag - pick it up, turn it over, read the tags - and then realize that it is not theirs. This usually causes them to move a few feet around the carousel, bumping into people - and most of the time, they miss their ACTUAL bag in the process.

So, now that that's off my chest, back to enjoying my time with Brad! :)

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