Thursday, March 06, 2008

A morning in hell...

Ok, life sucked this morning.
So, after a wonderful day at work yesterday, I opened again today. Well, one of the people that were supposed to open didn't show up, so I gave her a call.
Well, she's having some family issues at the moment, and our manager told her that she didn't have to worry, that we'd get it all taken care of.
Well, my manager covered her shift yesterday, but falied to do it for the shift this morning. So, we are a person short! Wee.
Well, I call my manager this morning to see what's up - and her phone goes straight to voicemail. I hate this. I mean, she NEVER seems to answer the phone. What if I was in an accident? Or the store had been broken into? Lady needs to answer her damn phone. I mean - YOU MANAGE A FREAKIN' STARBUCKS!
So, the day begins - and things are ok.
Until the rush hits.
Now we get a rush every morning, and with 3 people, it's pretty hard. Today was insane! Doing that a person short was HELL, not to mention the fact people were being RIDICULOUS this morning. Like a lady coming in RIGHT in the middle of a rush and wanting a coffee traveler and 15 pastries. COME ON!
I tried the best I could. I just hate when people can see that I am insanely frustrated, that there are drinks lined up, that we are doing the best we can ... and they just STARE me down, like it's gonna make things move faster. UGH!
Anyway, my manager decides to call at 9. I called her at 5 this morning. She asks why I didn't try calling anyone. I CALLED YOU BITCH! The person RESPONSIBLE for this madness!
Well, I didn't talk to her. I called in one of the other shifts and he came over to help. He pretty much told her that she screwed me over this morning.
I, on the other hand, called our district manager and told her about this madness. She agreed with me whole heartedly.
And, after being in hell ... we still did a good job this morning, seeing about a person a minute. Take that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey puppy!

Awwww what a CRAZY morning from hell!!! Im glad you got through it - that shows you're a trooper and you can handle it when the shit hits the fan!

You're a tour boy - you know how to paddle when you get stuck up a creek.

"Consider the postage stamp; its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there." Josh Billings

Just think mister - few more weeks and no more crazy mornings from hell at Starbucks!!!

And LOTS of fun times in store ON TOUR!

Brad ;o)