Monday, September 04, 2006


Ok, seriously? So, we have this joke going around on tour about these things. If you don't know what they are, they are latex fists - well, whole arms actually. They are sex toys. Oh yah, "this" goes in "there". Guys, too. Frightening, huh?

So, anyway, I'm sure alcohol was involved and now we talk about these things ALL THE TIME on tour. It's funny. I mean, if i had one of these, I'd use it to do other things. Like, knock on doors. Or to punch people in the face. Or to play rock-paper-scissors ... but I would probably lose, cause I'd always pick rock.

So, here's to fists. And all the different things you can go with them!

1 comment:

equippedtofascinate said...

I loved my fist sex toy until I developed an allergy to latex. I got some rashes in some odd places, believe you me. I'm kidding, in case anyone didn't realize that. I'm not really allergic to latex