Wednesday, September 06, 2006

It's SO Raven!

Ok, I have a new addiction. It's the Disney Channel! For some reason, the TV always ends up on this channel at night. And I can't stop watching the rediculous shows that are on this channel!!!! I love Raven! I think a have a crush on the guy from "Phil of the Future!" UGH!

But, I did see something cool this morning. John Tartaglia is doing some little show for Playhouse Disney - which are the morning shows geared toward kids! Here's something I found on YouTube. The show is called "Johnny and the Sprites."

So, go check out the Disney Channel! It's SO Raven!

1 comment:

equippedtofascinate said...

I had such an obsession with Disney Channel movies when I was in high school. I would sit at home Saturday nights and watch them with my sister because we were such loosers and had no friends.