Thursday, December 03, 2009

Back on track...

Well, I guess it's time to get back on track with this blog. It's been months since I've written anything, and I kinda miss having this outlet to say stuff and get things off of my chest. It's just hard to find the time to sit down and actually write something. But I'm gonna try harder. I promise.

Well, let's see ... what's going on. Well, an update from the last few blogs on here. So, I'm still going to the gym - maybe not as often as I'd like, but still trying to make it there at least 3 or 4 times a week. I auditioned for the Nutcracker - AND GOT IT! I'm a parent in the party scene, and I'm partnering for the Arabian variation in Act 2. It's been such a fun rehearsal process, and there will be plenty of pictures to follow.

Besides that, just working and trying to look forward into 2010. I've been trying to decide what I want to do, and what the next step is. It's a scary process.

So, that's kinda where I'm at right now. Stay tuned for more to come...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009


So, yesterday I auditioned for the Lafayette Ballet Theatre production of The Nutcracker.

I won't hear anything for about a week - but I'll keep you guys posted! :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gym update...

So, back in Jan of '08 I said that my goal was to look like this guy.

Well, that was over a year ago. When I was on tour with Brad, he got me going to the gym, and I've gotten into it. I'm trying to make it to the gym about 4-5 times a week now, drinking protein shakes, and taking my vitamins. So, here's some recent pics...

Not bad eh?

To Do List...

First off ... You can all thank Jonathan for me blogging again. Although he might be the only one reading them...

So, that's pretty much what my To Do list looks like. I just got back from a 2 week vacation/magic convention tour with Brad, and I came home totally inspired to get off my ass and get the ball moving. I have a website to get up. I have business cards to get printed. I have a resume to write.

Then I check my Facebook.

And suddenly it's 3 AM.

It's hard being motivated to take the next step, but looking around and not knowing which direction to take that first step IN! I know where I want to go, but I just have NO IDEA how to get there. It just doesn't seem possible.

But, I am motivated. I will take little steps. Roll around if I have to. Who knows where I'll end up.

But thankfully, I have INSANELY supportive family, friends, and a boyfriend who will keep me moving.

So, here's to scratching the next thing off the list.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Eat Fresh!

Ok,  so dating Brad has it's consequences. Eating Subway sandwiches is one of them. Brad absolutely loves Subway. He could eat there every day, and while we toured Europe, if there was a Subway - we ate there! 

I don't mind Subway, and now that I am home, I actually find myself wanting it. It's a GREAT after-gym meal ... and I actually had it today! 

So, what's your favorite sub?

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


YES! After a many month hiatus, I've decided to fire up the old blog again! I haven't posted anything in ages, but I think it's about time to get back to it. I mean, who doesn't want to hear about the randomness that comes out of my head? 

Well, just an update to get you all back on track. I'm back home in Louisiana after a 9 month European tour with Disney Live. We had a blast out there, but it's great being back home for the summer. I'll miss my tour family - but I missed my REAL family and friends here in Louisiana - so it's great to be back!

I'm in an awesome relationship with an amazing guy named Brad. We've been together for a
 little over a year, and it's great! It was great having someone to share the experience of Europe with! He's living in New Jersey, so I don't get to see him all the time, but he's coming down to visit Louisiana, and we have a few trips planned over the summer. Yay for Brad!

Besides that, I'm just here in Lafayette for the summer, enjoying being in one spot for a while, and looking into what's down the road ahead! 

So, keep an eye out! 

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Isn't it funny....

Funny how she is becoming...

Crazy, huh?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Obama Day!

Well folks, today is the day! Barack Obama is going to be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States in just about 5 hours. History will be made. It's going to be one of those moments that you can say, "I remember where I was when Barack Obama was president."

I wish him the best during his term. He's going to be under a very scrutinizing eye. Actually many of them. Millions. He's got a lot on his plate, and I only hope that he can live up to the expectations of the American people. But hey, he can't do worse that Bush! ;)

Best of luck, Obams! Go in there and kick some ass!

And here's a little funny for ya!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day everyone!

With the inauguration of the first African-American president tomorrow, we should celebrate Mr.  MLK. He had a dream. I guess dreams really do come true.

Also, just a tidbit of info - I was on the MLK quiz bowl team in middle school! Oh yah! 

And now for a bit of random. Ever notice that EVERY city seems to have a road, street, avenue, or boulevard named after this man. Doesn't that get a bit confusing for mailmen and cab drivers? I wonder???

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Roll that beautiful bean footage!

So, the 5 star hotel we are at has a great breakfast buffet.

Made to order omelets! Cereal! Juice! Toast! Yogurt!

And baked beans?

Well, I like baked beans, so I said, why not?

I must say that they were a nice addition to my breakfast this morning! :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back to Back!

So, I'm excited! We have a week and a half-ish break! We are heading to Barcelona for a few days, then we pack up and head to Malta, where we have a few more days off before starting shows!

Well, I'm thankful, because after 4 and a half months, and the crazy show schedule that we had
 in Madrid, I need a break! My back was killing
 me after Madrid, and I had a huge knot in my shoulder for about 2 days! So, I'm ready to RELAX!

And speaking of backsides, here's a few for ya! ;)

Friday, January 09, 2009

Where our tax money SHOULD go!

So, check THIS out! It's from Campbell Brown, anchor on CNN's "No Bull, No Bias"

(CNN) -- I have to mention tonight the headline that caught my eye on the CNN Ticker earlier today: "Porn Industry Seeks Federal Bailout."

Yeah, you heard me.

The porn industry wants a bailout.

Leave it to Hustler publisher Larry Flynt and "Girls Gone Wild" CEO Joe Francis to take the absurdity of what is going on now with our federal bailout program to a whole new level.

According to their press release, the adult entertainment industry needs $5 billion of your tax money because it, too, has been hit by the economic downturn.

They concede the $13 billion industry is in no fear of collapse, but say in this environment, why take chances?

I don't really think this requires commentary or condemnation, just thought you would enjoy it.

Now, that's where our tax money SHOULD be going! :)

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Breaking News!


Scientist have found fossilized remains of ancient humans proving ...

People have had their head up their own asses for AGES! :)

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's Resolutions...

So, here we are at the top of 2009 and it's time to decide a New Year's Resolution. We'll I think that I'm going to have a few this year. 

  1. Write more blogs! I looked back at some past posts and I think that I need to write on here more. I need to post more pics, too. This is a great way to get things off of my mind, and it's nice to hear what other people think about the madness in my head.
  2. Prepare for bigger and better things. I spend too much time saying that I need to get on a real show, and not enough time actually moving toward that goal. I need to start stretching and dancing more, and I need to work on the voice, too. I need to take advantage of the next 5 months of tour with these talented people to push forward to something better. Then it's audition time ... but that's another story.
  3. The gym. Yah, Brad and I need to be a bit more strict with our workout plan. I think I need to start doing sit-ups and push-ups before shows again, and also eat a bit more healthy. McDonald's is not the best of meals ... but damn it tastes good!
  4. Read more. It just makes me feel smarter when I read. :)
  5. Save money. Tour's a great way to do that, and I just need to make sure I keep paying off that debt ... and not spend TOO much having fun on tour!
  6. Be happy. It's hard at times to stay happy. I let too much get to me, and I freak out and get all pissed off. I need to handle situations properly, and keep an eye out for my well-being.
Whew, that's a lot to work on. But it's good to set goals and have a target to aim for.

So, what are YOUR New Year's Resolutions?

Happy New Year 2009!


I hope that everyone had a great time ringing in the new year! I spent the last moments of 2008 with some of my favorite people on tour with me, the people that keep me sane out here on the road. 

I started out 2009 surrounded with people who make me laugh and smile. I was with a guy who I love and I'm glad to start this new year with him by my side. 

And with a whole new year laid out in front of me, I look back on 2008. I see how much things can change in a year, and I only hope that 2009 brings with it the opportunities that 2008 did.

I wish all of you a great new year!

Much love!