Saturday, May 20, 2006


YAH! It's my BIRTHDAY!!! I'm 26, which is not so "yah", but it's ok!

And just what I wanted for my birthday - two boys blowing! ;)

So, Happy Birthday to me! Oh, and to my brother. It's his birthday, too. Go check out his blog!


Cody Daigle said...

That's it? "oh, and my brother, too?" That skank Kerri gets a whole entry for her birthday, but your ONLY brother gets an almost mention?

So it's true. The second a gay man turns 30, they become completely inconsequential. :)

Happy birthday, bitch. I'll call you today.

equippedtofascinate said...

Happy Birthday Cody. I hope you enjoy your special day and spend it with people you love. The world became a better place 30 years ago when you first entered it. Oh, happy birthday Casey.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Casey!