Tuesday, May 23, 2006

This week in Bakersfield and Stockton, CA!

So, this week was out first week in California! WOO HOO! The end of tour is SO CLOSE!

So, not that much happened this week. We started out the week in Bakersfield, which is a very boring little city. Not much to do there. So, I did this...

Yup. I just layed out byt the pool as much as I could. The second day it wasn't even that sunny, but I went and layed out anyway. It's so relaxing out there. Compared to this...

These bitches suck! I was helping Shari rent a car to go to San Francisco, and we waited for AN HOUR to get picked up to go to the place, then we just ended up driving ourselve, just to get there and say that they couldn't take my debit card. It was a lot of drama, but it all go worked out!

We also went to this crazy little gay bar, where they had karaoke, and I sang show tunes - "When You're Good to Mama" from Chicago and "The Wizard and I" from Wicked. Crazy, eh?

Then on to Stockton, which also was boring. Oh, except for this ...

I am allergic to California! My allergies have gone haywire! I woke up one day with both my eyes crusted shut. They were all red and puffy and I couldn't breathe through by nose! I've been doped up on all kinds of medicine, and they still kinda suck!

Oh, and I was my birthday. We went to Chevy's - a mexcian place, and I got a birthday sombrero! We went out to some crazy little gay bar, and I had some drinks, we danced around like idiots, and had a great time!

Besides that, I have just been endulging in Starbucks, Jamba Juice, In-n-Out Burger, Chipotle, and Panda Express! YAH TOUR!

This week we are in Thousand Oaks! Tell ya all about it later. Probably Sunday, since there is no good television anymore! :(

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