Wednesday, January 11, 2006

No E-ticket?

Ok, so what the hell are the airlines thinking? I had to have a flight booked for me to go out on tour tomorrow - which is Thursday. Now the flight was booked Tuesday. Did I get an e-ticket for a flight that is 2 days away? NO! The stupid people at the airlines would not allow an e-ticket, and had to send paper tickets! So, it is now 7PM and I have a flight at 5:50 AM and my damn tickets still haven't shown! Does anyone else out there think that this is entirely ridiculous?


Casey said...

At some time between 7:30 and 7:45, the tickets arrived! Thank Jesus!

equippedtofascinate said...

And I was so excited to read the post about you hijacking a plane.

christopher john said...

Alot of things that the airlines do doesn't make sense. Catch my blog about the CRAZY airport in France!