Saturday, January 14, 2006

HuHot ... YOU HOT!!!!

So, I went to dinner tonight with Jeffo and Bridget - my manager and assistant manager on tour. We went to this great mongolian grill placed called HuHot. You hot! I'm hot! We hot!

Anyway, the food was AWESOME! They had all these different sauces that you could put on your stuff, and the egg rolls were delightful. I went to the grill twice and I am SO stuffed right now - it's not funny!

So, if you have one of these near you, go check it out - it's hot!


christopher john said...

I'm glad that the restaurant was hot, because Omaha usually isn't!

Casey said...

It was a little chilly there actually .. and the venue was FREEZING!!!! good thing I have your jackets in my suitcase! ;)

Anonymous said...

hu HOTTTTTT!! hahah thats hillarious