Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Thoughts on relationships...

Ya know, I'm getting older. Ya - I said it. And I'm getting to that point where I'd like to settle down with someone. Or at least have someone that I can call to say goodnight to - or go to dinner with.
But it seems like there is some kinda force that keeps me from being in, or keeping a relationship. And, I'm not being all crazy - like no one likes me or that kinda thing. It's like there's always a dark cloud that comes and kills the picnic.
My friend Jonathan says that he'll be single forever. I hate to think that way - I have a fear of being old and alone.
They say that you get wise in your old age. Why do I find everything just more confusing?


Anonymous said...

It's called 'the break-through'... when 'clarity' comes. Confusion drops away, and you stand there, free and clear. Keep being yourself, don't force it. It's coming...

Spoonman said...

How poetic anonymous... couldn't have said it better. I too have recently resolved to remaining single for the rest of my days. It doesn't look sad or lonely at all.

Anonymous said...

You must not be the Mighty Casey Daigle married to the uber hot Jennie Finch...you REALLY are missing out, man.

equippedtofascinate said...

Life sucks, then you die. I'm in the situation as you. I hate it more then anything. I wish life was easier, but it isn't.

Anonymous said...

Oh please! To you and all the comments!

Look- I know we haven't talked for awhile- but tough love time anyway...

Stop whining. You're smart. You're talented. You're cute. You have a supportive and loving family.

There's a big difference between getting older and growing up. Wisdom isn't a biproduct of age. It comes because we choose to pay attention to the world around us and we learn from our mistakes.

There's no break-through. It's not a sudden change. It's an everyday experience of living that makes us wiser.

"Happiness comes from making good choices. Good choices come from experience. Experience comes from making bad choices."

Babe- you've got experience- but you're not paying attention. Try just being where you are without comparing it to your expectations. It's really not so bad a place, is it?

Forget the story in your head. Forgive the mistakes, but learn from them.

Life doesn't suck- but sometimes there will be pain. Everything is what it is. Recognize it but let it go. Every moment passes. The best and worst slip thru our fingers no matter how tightly we hold on. Life is change. You can fight it, but you won't win.

Now- put on James Taylor's "You've Got a Friend" and think of me and all the other strangers that have wandered into your life and become a part of it.
