Thursday, November 09, 2006

Where's Waldo?

So, life back home. For the most part, things are going well. I started taking dance classes. Although they are kicking my ass, I'm having a good time, and getting some good feedback from the teachers and students. I still feel like a complete moron in class, but it'll get better in time.

The job hunt was gone well. I've been hired at Starbucks ... but I don't start 'til the 27th. Which is nice - I get to enjoy my Thanksgiving! I'm also assistant coaching the drama team at a high school here in town. So, still doing the theatre stuff, too! And I'm sure I'll be helping my brother with shows here and there, and maybe eventually I'll actually BE in one!

The social life part of being home kinda sucks. It's hard to jump into a group of people. People have there little groups - it's hard to break the circle, ya know? I have a few friends here, but it's still odd. I've been gone for a while, and trying to catch up is difficult.

But I'm sure that things will pan out, and I'll get into a groove, and all will be well. I miss tour, and always having someone to hang out with. But, a new chapter, a new challenge! I've just got to get Waldo to Lafayette!

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