Sunday, April 09, 2006

Are you ready?

It's Sunday. I only have one show today, and then I can come home and look forward to a night of Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy! I love Sundays! Let's celebrate!


equippedtofascinate said...

I love Sunday night TV. It makes the entire week worth while.

Dustin Harder said...

no desperate and greys is rerun.

Casey said...

I know, I was totally bummed! Instead, Jeffo and I played Trivial Pursiut (which I lost) and watched a little Margaret Cho! Fun times!

Cody Daigle said...

For those with HBO, you can another addictive show to your agenda... BIG LOVE.

Polygamy. The guy from "Twister." And Chloe Sevigny.

It's a terrific show, and has a really fun opening credit sequence.