Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Java Jive

So, Everyone know's I like coffee. Especially now that I have been home for a while, and away from the nasty coffee that they have in hotel rooms, I have been drinking coffee like i need it to survive. Well, I have good reason. Louisiana has been blessed with Community Coffee - what I think is the best coffee known to man. I've been drinking it since I was a little baby. My parents used to put in in our baby bottles with lots of milk. Maybe that explains it??? Anyway, it's great coffee, and it seems like we drink it all the time. Well, when Community Coffee is not available, the only solution is STARBUCKS! I mean, it's great! I am a HUGE fan of mocha ANYTHING! I love a good iced mocha - venti - no whip! So good. My friend Dawn is one of my coffee buddies. Unfortunately, we do not always see eye to eye on the coffee thing. See, she likes the coffee from a HORRIBLE place called Caribou Coffee. I call it CARI-POO COFFEE! It's gross, and it is no match for Community Coffee. Sorry Dawn! So, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy!


Dustin Harder said...

Um...all I have to say is that if you have Casey over and offer him some coffee you better have a back up bag of sugar for when he uses your entire 5 pound bag for one cup of coffee. And yes, even in his mocha's-seriously though. And he ask for no whip. what is that?

Dawn said...

Oh My God! Dustin - you are so right about the sugar thing. Notice that Casey didn't mention that he puts about a pound of extra sugar into his Ice Mocha's that already have whip cream and chocolate!!! And as far as Caribou goes....I HAD IT YESTERDAY!!!! I only drink two drinks - Lite White Berry - Rasberry and Cool White Berrty - Rasberry. It made me so happy. :) love ya.