Thursday, June 04, 2009

Eat Fresh!

Ok,  so dating Brad has it's consequences. Eating Subway sandwiches is one of them. Brad absolutely loves Subway. He could eat there every day, and while we toured Europe, if there was a Subway - we ate there! 

I don't mind Subway, and now that I am home, I actually find myself wanting it. It's a GREAT after-gym meal ... and I actually had it today! 

So, what's your favorite sub?

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


YES! After a many month hiatus, I've decided to fire up the old blog again! I haven't posted anything in ages, but I think it's about time to get back to it. I mean, who doesn't want to hear about the randomness that comes out of my head? 

Well, just an update to get you all back on track. I'm back home in Louisiana after a 9 month European tour with Disney Live. We had a blast out there, but it's great being back home for the summer. I'll miss my tour family - but I missed my REAL family and friends here in Louisiana - so it's great to be back!

I'm in an awesome relationship with an amazing guy named Brad. We've been together for a
 little over a year, and it's great! It was great having someone to share the experience of Europe with! He's living in New Jersey, so I don't get to see him all the time, but he's coming down to visit Louisiana, and we have a few trips planned over the summer. Yay for Brad!

Besides that, I'm just here in Lafayette for the summer, enjoying being in one spot for a while, and looking into what's down the road ahead! 

So, keep an eye out!