So, here I am, starting up the blog again for what it was made for in the first place.
That's right kids, I'm headed BACK on tour. I did the short stint in the spring, but now I'm headed for about 7 or 8 months in Europe with Disney Live!
I'm excited to see Europe and join my magic family again. I'm looking forward to being with Brad that whole time, and have him there to experience everything.
But it's not a totally happy goodbye.
I'm sure everyone knows that there is a huge ugly hurricane headed straight for Louisiana. Well, it's headed straight for my hometown. I had to leave town a day early to beat it.
I didn't get to give everyone a proper goodbye. Everyone was running around, worrying more on getting me OUT of town.
I just want to let all my friends back there that I love them, and I'll miss them. But, as always, I'll be back to visit - and I'm sure they'll be there at the bar to join me for a drink.
To my family - I'll miss you guys terribly. It wasn't til I was driving away did I realize that I won't see you guys for a few months. I love you guys, and I'll be thinking about you guys all the time.
And to everyone - I'm watching that hurricane. I'm worried about all of you, so keep me in the loop as to what's going on!
Love everyone, and goodbye for now!